I awoke this morning, as i do every morning, extremely groggy. Last night I daydreamed or rather night dreamed about different stories I was going to write about for this blog. Maybe I should make this a blog that follows my fairly exciting life through my alleged fairly exciting life therefore opening up my life for the public to read about. Yet, I highly doubt I am going to get any hits. This morning my blog had been viewed five times. Four by me, and the last by a friend I sent the link to. No comments either. I was so close to commenting on my own blog. My mind quickly told me not to do so and to give comments time. I wonder what people would say.. I can see it now..: " Wow you have a sheltered life, your such a loser" HA just because I adore Anne of Green Gables does not mean I am a loser! And NO I am not home schooled, I do not wear floral print skirts...I find myself very normal. I long for a nose ring.. cause it would look cool. But sadly I am not allowed so I opted for a double piercing instead. I work at a Starbucks, which I love.. I am amazing at making Cappuccinos. Its true, my foam is delectable. And lastly.. if a comment like that was written on my wall or comment box or whatever its called I would say: Brother?... did you write that on my wall?? For yes, My brother would definitely say something like that. Now if a comment like: I love your blog its so cute and funny: was to be written, I would know my mother had found me. You see I don't know what to expect of blogging. I have never done it before. I don't even know why I am doing it... well yes I do.. to make myself write more, but I never even write notes on Facebook. Oh dear.. my tummy is grumbling. Its 11:18 in the morning, and I woke up ten minutes ago.. had an urge to blog and did so. Maybe this blog could be used to tell stories. Yes, I am always composing stories in my head. Here goes: The darkness draped across the passage, threatening to engulf the candle flame. Slowly,ever so slowly, I crept through the winding staircase, up to the tower. My footsteps echoed on the stone. I was ready. You see I like writing snippets, and now since I have done that, I already have the entire story plotted out in my head, I just don't want to take the time to write it down. She is running away from her castle she has a baby with her, its her job to protect the baby, she meets a man who helps and takes care of her, she loves the man... ok its getting typical but hey, its a story. So as I was lying in bed last night, I decided I was goint to write about anxiety. Yes I know, but for some reason, I am an anxious person. But I have located the source and need to get whatever I need to get done , done! You see a couple months ago, I collected money for a charity then did this hike thing and yea. So I am slowly collected the money people pledged me, but I have to get it into the orginization so people can get thier tax reciepts. And yes, that is the cause of my anxiety. Hey, its a big deal to me!!
Maybe I should have more structure to my writing.
Another random comment. I can hear my siblings in the next room playing and laughing. My little one likes to dance, and she listens to this song called Ave Maria by David Bisbal ( Its not anything religious... hes just like Hey mary will you go out with me..) yea.. anyways She does this shimmy dance when listening to it!! hehe she does standing on a chair so the entire family can see.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aW_ZH0rDrI0&feature=PlayList&p=014536AE7E549AD1 heres the song!! Its very funny when she does it! :D
Anyhooters I must go but comment if you read this!!! I want to know what people think of my random rants.. ahh good title Random Rants of the Early Morning..
sighing off
have a good day fellow bloggers
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