Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Snippet

This is a snippet of a story that I am writing (with my class) about a girl who dies in a car accident. This is part of my character's (Eve's) reaction to the tragedy!


Carla flipped through the stack of Archie comics that lay before her. Rolling onto her back, she stared up at the stucco ceiling and started to count the bumps. 1,2,4,5,6,3... Being five was a hard job. There were older siblings to keep in line, baby brothers to shoo away from the garbage, and don't get started on kindergarten. It was nice to have a little break, away from the rest of the world, in Eve's bedroom. Carla had searched the house of Eve and couldn't find her anywhere. Waiting in Evie's bedroom and rummaging through her things was the only answer.


Carla jumped at the sound of her name. Finally, Evie had come home.

"Carla, you messed up my bed! Remake it right now."


Eve watched as Carla gently swung her arms up and down, billowing the sheets. Every motion was like red liquid through the air. Carla softly giggled as her hair waved serenely in the breeze. Eve stared. Up. Down. Red against red. Everything tumbling over and over again.

"Carla, why do these things happen? I don't understand."

" I don't know. But I am making it better."

"Carla, I don't think you can make it better."

" Well I am trying as hard as I can. It will be even better after I am done!"

"So it will be better after it's messy?"

Carla tucked in the last corner of the bed and stepped back proudly.

"Look Evie, it's all better!"

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