Finding a topic for this blog is actually quite difficult right now. I am sitting on my friends bed ( Miss Watermelon Ring Pop) trying to think of different topics while she reads her book "The Host" by Stephanie Meyer. It is apparently Meyers first adult book ( We are not adults.. but we feel we can handle such literature), and apparently, its very good! (wow my writing contains a lot of comma's, I wonder if I am using them correctly! )I have started this blog over twice.
Try # 1: Girls are very strange creatures , but being one has made it difficult to see this point ( people already know that so ... )
Try # 2: Even though my hair has been an assortment of different colours, I can never figure out why I do it. . ( I still have no idea.This topic is not worth the time I am willing to give it... or rather the time that I am not willing to give it. )
So alas, after pondering the point of "Blog Topics" I retired my tired little grey cells to the pastime of retirees and young teenagers. The television. What shall I watch today posed I. Miss Watermelon Ring Pop ( who also has a fetish with dearest Colin Firth) suggested the Gweneth Paltrow version of Jane Austen's " Emma". Oh that certain movie makes my heart swell with joy and bliss. Ahh what a wonderful book ( and movie I might add) Oh Mr. Knightley, though you are more that twice my age, I would (yes I would) have you as "My Mr. Knightley" at any time. Jane Austen alleviates my worries and anxieties ( no I have not taken care of the money for the tax-receipts). For minutes at a time ( I have a tendency to fall asleep when I read) she whisks me away to a different time and culture. So fresh, so courteous, so calming, and at the same time, so thrilling. As Mr. Darcy longing looks after Miss Bennet. As Mr. Knightley longing looks after Miss Wodehouse. As Captain Wentworth longingly after Miss Elliot. Oh my heart leaps and yearns to find a way to console and encourage them through the proper steps to happiness With me, they would enter into eternal bliss with the ones they love much faster.Oh dear, how I do go on. WAIT! Let me just clarify. I do not sit at my bedroom window, looking into the sunset, sighing, and waiting for Mr. Right to bound up on his white horse. This is NOT a Taylor Swift song. I'm not a princess this ain't a fairytale.. ( haha those are actual Taylor Swift lyrics, and NO I do not know them, I had to look them up on and NO I would not say " This ain't a fairytale" I would say this isn't a fairy tale. My grammar might not be up to par ,but please, do not insult me! ( yes, I know, I do tend to use a lot of comma's. I will review the rules before school starts!)..sure.
Well maybe I am waiting for my knight in shining armor. But it sounds so cliche. I just like to think that, if I am called to get married, a good and proper husband will be provided. ( Not in the creepy arranged marriage kind of way!) I am sure the God has it all worked out.He's pretty good at that kind of thing. Just think, my mom and dad have been happily married for 22.. maybe 23 ( i don't know!) years. They argue sometimes, they fight, but I can see that they love each other so very much. They try so hard for one another. I know it sounds weird talking about your own parents in that way. Most kids don't even have parents that are together, let alone involved. Amazingly enough, I have both. I know not to worry about Mr. Right. I want something like my mom and dad have. It's hard work, I can see that, but I can also see that it's so worth it. He'll be just like my Dad ( well not just like my dad... that would be weird). He'll treat me like a princess... and I will treat him like a prince. It goes both ways. :D ( Ok, I will stop with all the sap, it sounds like I am getting a little "preachy" as my dad says)
Its been fun. I guess love was the topic of this blog. Good name, I'll use it!
Well sighning off for tonight
God Bless all you Princess' waiting for those Knights ( and likewise of course!!)
ps. Watch the Gweneth Paltrow version! ITS SO GOOD! :D my heart is giddy!
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