Saturday, September 5, 2009

Scary Pictures In My Mind

Yes I know,I have no blogged in many days but gee whiz, I have my reasons! For goodness sakes, I was almost killed the other day!!(Well not really, but almost...sorta) You see I was working late, and though ( as I have mentioned numerous times before) my father is a good father, he lacked a certain.. I don't know... sensitivity to the plight I was in. Here I am, sketchy area of town, no cell phone, no hammer, or any other blunt object for protection and he suggests that I take the train home, then walk the 5 blocks from the train station to my house ALONE,in the dark. yay. My journey begins. I exit the store,grateful my shift is over, with an unpleasant gust of wind that incidentally ruined my hair and lifted my shirt to an uncomfortable angle. Once in control of my surroundings I bravely forged on to the train station alone and unprotected. Yea thanks dad. I take back what I said... real knight in shining armor(read as if dripping in sarcasm). Mr Darcy would have never allowed this. HA the shame. The train came, I got on(I just changed tenses but it doesnt matter! HA). "Dalhousie Station!" thanks ominous voice " This is a North bound train, destination : Crowfoot" Thanks, my stop...

The wind had picked up considerably since I was last in open air, while the darkness hovered above.. it was spooky. I could not hear the panting of my breath or the quick and rhythmic palpitations of my heart. Those palpitations were certainly felt though;I was scared. Images of molesters,rapists,Mr. Ex-Science Teacher, murders, societies warped ones filled my mind. Every bush was a mangled man carrying a rusty knife, waiting to pounce on his next victim. I drew my hood over my face and continued..maybe if I look creepy enough, nobody would bother me. HA right. So I detached myself from the situation and let my mind wander..... weekend, baby shower,baby,screaming. Screaming?... nobody would hear me screaming if I was atacked and bloodily murdered. The deafening moan of the nearby tree trunk as the wind brutally attacked it would cover up any pathetic noise I tried to make. Oh great. Thanks dad, I am a sitting duck.Three more long blocks. Why did God make city blocks so long.. my life would have been so much better if He decided to be nice, and not do that. "Well God" sayeth I,"Maybe I am not trusting you enough... wanna protect me?" He said yes, so we continued the journey together. Sigh, how relaxed! HOLY SMOKEY BEAR! On the pavement just 3 feet in front of me, a light, no bigger than a basketball grew.. it continued growing in a circular motion faster and faster as the sound of gravel and flying dust grew louder and louder. I didn't believe it.. aliens. My heart quickened. Sharp intake of breath. Poor guy in the car coming out of the alley way. My face must have given quite a start. He looked absolutely haunted. whoops. slight over exaggeration. No aliens. As I slowly recovered myself I thought of the will I had made. I wondered if anyone would read it.
To Sibling #1: I give you my sunsilk sculpted hair captivating curl gel and cream twist.. it was only four bucks, but it meant a lot to me.
To Sibling #2: I offer you my Jethro Tull picture. Its the square photocopy stapled on the wall.
To Sibling #3: I offer you my clock, I stole it from sibling one so just be sneaky.
To Sibling #5 ( hehe I am fourth in line) I offer you my silver dorthy shoes... theres no place like home ( bury the rest of those shoes with me... )
To Sibling #6: You can have my Narnia poster.
To Sibling #7:.. erm.. you can have your teddy bear back..
To Sibling #8: you can have all my makeup.. dont use it until your fifteen.. youll look stupid otherwise.. actually it will have gone bad by then.. just bury it with me.
To Sibling #9: Your so cute... you can have two of my purses...
To Sibling # 10: You can have ....sniff...christoph ( my guitar) even though you havent been born yet, I know your gonna be just like me... play it well.

I continued my journey.
As I walked on I heard death calling me. Demonic music flitted through the wind, teasing my every thought.( NaNaNaNaNaNa... your gonna die.: it said something like that) As I kept walking it grew louder. "Be brave young one." I encourged myself, " Be brave". Before I knew it, it was right apon me.. I yelped and fell to the ground begging for mercy. "I didnt mean it" I screached "It wasnt I who murdered Roger Rabbit.. or framed him I mean.. it was.. you know... ( that part actually didnt happened.. instead I discovered that the demonic music which was teasing me unceasingly was actually a group of guys playing guitar hero.) Stupid.
I made it home fine. Snuggled up and watched a murder mystery.
Well its 1:46 in the morning.. so none of this probably makes sense.
have a good long weeking everyone!
ps.I must tell you about my moms baby shower! there was good food!!!

1 comment:

  1. wow thats sounds like you had a rough night. i will keep you in my prayers. i love you!!

    mrs. darcy
