Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Starting School!

Wato Fello Bloggers, You know sometimes I find it very aggravating how friends never seem to support you. Fine, maybe I expand the truth here and there... but still, they must be supportive. This one particular friend I might be talking about, insists that I am a liar on my blog. "Oh my gosh Miss Hazel Eyes," she says" I am going to write a really mean comment on your wall" She keeps saying OMG and Miss Hazel Eyes" and whatever. How rude. I mean really, is that necessary, exposing my faults to the blogging world? Well maybe she is right. Maybe I did right that story another time. (The "Slowly ever so slowly" one) and maybe I am actually alright at English class. But really, shouldn't she just like my writing because its ... amusing.. silly.. I don't know. An escape from the horrors of daily life? Maybe she is an alright friend. We do have fun, and tomorrow, when I go to her house, she plans to give me a Watermelon Flavoured Ring Pop. Fine. The Ring Pop makes up for it. Speaking of English class, and writing, I must tell you all about a certain English teacher I once had. Oh the horrors. I can still smell the sulfur in my nostrils whenever I think about her. I had Ms. English Teacher for two year. (both times she was my home room teacher) This women ( in the short time that she was at my school) managed to kick out a good friend ( she did deserve it.. but still.. she was key in the outness of that kicking), accuse me of being a liar, and a blasphemer, (I am not a blasphemer.. and I do lie.. but not with reference to what she was talking about) AND lastly for: "ruining her good name". What good name say I. Oh and she also is the reason I started this blog. In the two years I had her we managed to complete that following list of amusements.

1. Watch the six version of Pride and Prejudice ( twice I might add.. I think she had a fetish with Colin Firth)

2.Watch the 2 hour version of P&P ( we had to compare it to the six hour one!)

3. Watch Jane Eyre

4. Watch To Kill a Mockingbird

5. Watch this movie about a mouse and a crazy man... AH Flowers for Algernon.. or something like that.

6. Watch a number of different movies for a movie study we did.

7. Watch.. wait. i think you get the picture.

You see we did nothing. Ruined my Grade 10 and 11 education. Except now I can quote Pride and Prejudice ( the six hour movie. ) front to back.. or rather.. first disc to last.

She was a little dramatic, but I mustn't be to cruel. We did have some good laughs and become good friends ( until I got on her bad side then.. ooodearyme. oh no)

To disclose the information about Good Friend and the out kicking of her would be cause for another blog. Maybe I will save it for later! (After I get the permission to tell the story.. who knows who will read this!)But do not fret dearest reader, there is a happy ending to this unjust tragedy. Wait for it. I can hardly contain my excitement! My junior high English Teacher, (We will call her Mrs. Nice English Teacher for clarity) is going to be my new English teacher. Amazing piece of work she is! ( And you will be happy to find out that Mr. Science Teacher has been replaced as well!) I am now trying to pump myself up for the upcoming school year. This blog seems to be helping me! Finally my dead brain will be resurrected with the scourge of Mrs. Nice English Teachers grammar book. Ahh the glory of learning.

Alas, I must sighn off now, I have a cramp in my forearm which is threatning to turn into a CharlieHorse..but in my arm.

Well pip-pip.

love 4th (aka:MissHazelEyes)

ps. Who can't have a fetish with Colin Firth.. I mean, just a little one?

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