Wednesday, September 30, 2009


The baby was born! oomegoodness. aint he cute???

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Oh dearest blog! How long it has been since I have seen the orange highlights and lit up "B" of your wonderful website. I know, it has been to long. AND HOW DISAPPOINTING,I still only have one comment! (And that was from a friend who I forced to comment.) How ultra-anti-climatic.. leaving the blog for weeks at a time, expecting that on my return a sudden boost of hits would arise, everyone loves my writing, I am famous, no more school, blogging all day, as I earn millions. What a pathetic dream. Whoever said aim high was.. I don't know where I was going with that though process. sigh. Oh fickle dreams of a vulnerable teenager ( that's me), oh dispirited spirit of a high school student, crushed by the load of her backpack. Oh woe. Seriously fellow bloggers, my life has changed since I started Grade 11. Homework, Projects, Student Council ( I am pretending to be ultra-organized when in reality I have no idea what I am doing.. not a good thing for the secretary) But I vowed that while juggling my job, homework, my slightly dramatic mind blowing life out or proportion, and trying to help out at home, I swore I would make time to blog. (Man, I sound like a freaking circus act!) But blogging seems important to me now. It relaxes me, releases the boundaries of any other kind of writing I do. Who cares if it is not read ( though it would be nice to have commenter's **wink wink, nudge,nudge** ) Its just nice. ( Sorry I lacked a better adjective, super tired)


I am going to dissect each teacher for you.. in great detail, but yes, No, maybe well I don't know who will read this, so I might not want to go into to great of detail.

Mrs. Math Teacher: Shes the same ultra violent (just kidding shes great) Math teacher that I have had since grade nine. You see I have never been very good at math, (Actually I stink at it.. that's what you get for being supremely right brained) and she has put it in my mind that instead of giving up (because I am not going to go into any kind of mathematical field after high school,) I should try. Believe it or not, I do try now. No longer am I a slacker in that field of school. Don't get me wrong, I still hate the very core of the thing, but I try. Builds character. FYI she's also our Bio teacher. ( I LOVE BIO) not really, I am just good at it for some reason..even though its science.. Mrs. Math Teacher is good, a real teacher to say the least. I bet some sort of sappy inspirational movie is going to be made about the math teacher that inspired the now famous actress ( ahem.. yours truly) to try try again. Just like Thomas the Tank Engine. Moving on.

Miss Religion Teacher: Shes cool, knows her stuff, gonna teach us a lot I bet. She seems sorta nervous, (stuttering and such), yet very knowledgeable. Who knows what my mind will attain from her knowledge! How exciting!

Mr. Cool Social Teacher: HA what a character. He's a pretty cool dude, yet I am still sleuthing his stance on the political spectrum. I am hoping for good Christian valued,non silly, straight forward, ultra conservative (weird, I have used the word "ultra" about three times during this blog..), level headed, dude. It will be easier to learn if I don't have to sift through information. Last year was absolute H.E. Double Hockey Sticks. I had to research topics for myself just to see if what I was being taught was the hard honest truth. Yet, he seems so alive and full of knowledge.. so, I don't know, he makes me want to know history from Adams first child, to the child born thirty seconds ago. I live from social class to social class.But, I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL NEXT TERM. We have ENGLISH!! (Party onwards I say!)

ahh yes: Mr. New Chem Teacher: Oh fudgeicals, I strongly dislike Chemistry. I am getting a tutor, (as well as a math tutor) That is all I have to say on the subject. ( Besides that Mr. Chem teacher is a cool guy with a love for strange gadgets, like tiny cameras that attach to projectors... yes, he put it in his fillings.

Ahhh yes, And Latin. My dads the teacher. Its cool.

Well fellow citizens of Earth, your friend Miss Hazel Eyes (or 4th as I like to call myself) is pooped like an untrained puppy. (That's a terrible metaphor, my apologizes)

Please disregard the lack of whatever in this blog. I must go do a Bio project... due tomorrow.. hehe..yea...




ps, I have been obsessed with this song for like.. a week. :

I am going to learn it on the guitar and sing it with my sister. It'll be awesome!



Saturday, September 5, 2009

Scary Pictures In My Mind

Yes I know,I have no blogged in many days but gee whiz, I have my reasons! For goodness sakes, I was almost killed the other day!!(Well not really, but almost...sorta) You see I was working late, and though ( as I have mentioned numerous times before) my father is a good father, he lacked a certain.. I don't know... sensitivity to the plight I was in. Here I am, sketchy area of town, no cell phone, no hammer, or any other blunt object for protection and he suggests that I take the train home, then walk the 5 blocks from the train station to my house ALONE,in the dark. yay. My journey begins. I exit the store,grateful my shift is over, with an unpleasant gust of wind that incidentally ruined my hair and lifted my shirt to an uncomfortable angle. Once in control of my surroundings I bravely forged on to the train station alone and unprotected. Yea thanks dad. I take back what I said... real knight in shining armor(read as if dripping in sarcasm). Mr Darcy would have never allowed this. HA the shame. The train came, I got on(I just changed tenses but it doesnt matter! HA). "Dalhousie Station!" thanks ominous voice " This is a North bound train, destination : Crowfoot" Thanks, my stop...

The wind had picked up considerably since I was last in open air, while the darkness hovered above.. it was spooky. I could not hear the panting of my breath or the quick and rhythmic palpitations of my heart. Those palpitations were certainly felt though;I was scared. Images of molesters,rapists,Mr. Ex-Science Teacher, murders, societies warped ones filled my mind. Every bush was a mangled man carrying a rusty knife, waiting to pounce on his next victim. I drew my hood over my face and continued..maybe if I look creepy enough, nobody would bother me. HA right. So I detached myself from the situation and let my mind wander..... weekend, baby shower,baby,screaming. Screaming?... nobody would hear me screaming if I was atacked and bloodily murdered. The deafening moan of the nearby tree trunk as the wind brutally attacked it would cover up any pathetic noise I tried to make. Oh great. Thanks dad, I am a sitting duck.Three more long blocks. Why did God make city blocks so long.. my life would have been so much better if He decided to be nice, and not do that. "Well God" sayeth I,"Maybe I am not trusting you enough... wanna protect me?" He said yes, so we continued the journey together. Sigh, how relaxed! HOLY SMOKEY BEAR! On the pavement just 3 feet in front of me, a light, no bigger than a basketball grew.. it continued growing in a circular motion faster and faster as the sound of gravel and flying dust grew louder and louder. I didn't believe it.. aliens. My heart quickened. Sharp intake of breath. Poor guy in the car coming out of the alley way. My face must have given quite a start. He looked absolutely haunted. whoops. slight over exaggeration. No aliens. As I slowly recovered myself I thought of the will I had made. I wondered if anyone would read it.
To Sibling #1: I give you my sunsilk sculpted hair captivating curl gel and cream twist.. it was only four bucks, but it meant a lot to me.
To Sibling #2: I offer you my Jethro Tull picture. Its the square photocopy stapled on the wall.
To Sibling #3: I offer you my clock, I stole it from sibling one so just be sneaky.
To Sibling #5 ( hehe I am fourth in line) I offer you my silver dorthy shoes... theres no place like home ( bury the rest of those shoes with me... )
To Sibling #6: You can have my Narnia poster.
To Sibling #7:.. erm.. you can have your teddy bear back..
To Sibling #8: you can have all my makeup.. dont use it until your fifteen.. youll look stupid otherwise.. actually it will have gone bad by then.. just bury it with me.
To Sibling #9: Your so cute... you can have two of my purses...
To Sibling # 10: You can have ....sniff...christoph ( my guitar) even though you havent been born yet, I know your gonna be just like me... play it well.

I continued my journey.
As I walked on I heard death calling me. Demonic music flitted through the wind, teasing my every thought.( NaNaNaNaNaNa... your gonna die.: it said something like that) As I kept walking it grew louder. "Be brave young one." I encourged myself, " Be brave". Before I knew it, it was right apon me.. I yelped and fell to the ground begging for mercy. "I didnt mean it" I screached "It wasnt I who murdered Roger Rabbit.. or framed him I mean.. it was.. you know... ( that part actually didnt happened.. instead I discovered that the demonic music which was teasing me unceasingly was actually a group of guys playing guitar hero.) Stupid.
I made it home fine. Snuggled up and watched a murder mystery.
Well its 1:46 in the morning.. so none of this probably makes sense.
have a good long weeking everyone!
ps.I must tell you about my moms baby shower! there was good food!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I Guess It Was Love

Finding a topic for this blog is actually quite difficult right now. I am sitting on my friends bed ( Miss Watermelon Ring Pop) trying to think of different topics while she reads her book "The Host" by Stephanie Meyer. It is apparently Meyers first adult book ( We are not adults.. but we feel we can handle such literature), and apparently, its very good! (wow my writing contains a lot of comma's, I wonder if I am using them correctly! )I have started this blog over twice.

Try # 1: Girls are very strange creatures , but being one has made it difficult to see this point ( people already know that so ... )

Try # 2: Even though my hair has been an assortment of different colours, I can never figure out why I do it. . ( I still have no idea.This topic is not worth the time I am willing to give it... or rather the time that I am not willing to give it. )

So alas, after pondering the point of "Blog Topics" I retired my tired little grey cells to the pastime of retirees and young teenagers. The television. What shall I watch today posed I. Miss Watermelon Ring Pop ( who also has a fetish with dearest Colin Firth) suggested the Gweneth Paltrow version of Jane Austen's " Emma". Oh that certain movie makes my heart swell with joy and bliss. Ahh what a wonderful book ( and movie I might add) Oh Mr. Knightley, though you are more that twice my age, I would (yes I would) have you as "My Mr. Knightley" at any time. Jane Austen alleviates my worries and anxieties ( no I have not taken care of the money for the tax-receipts). For minutes at a time ( I have a tendency to fall asleep when I read) she whisks me away to a different time and culture. So fresh, so courteous, so calming, and at the same time, so thrilling. As Mr. Darcy longing looks after Miss Bennet. As Mr. Knightley longing looks after Miss Wodehouse. As Captain Wentworth longingly after Miss Elliot. Oh my heart leaps and yearns to find a way to console and encourage them through the proper steps to happiness With me, they would enter into eternal bliss with the ones they love much faster.Oh dear, how I do go on. WAIT! Let me just clarify. I do not sit at my bedroom window, looking into the sunset, sighing, and waiting for Mr. Right to bound up on his white horse. This is NOT a Taylor Swift song. I'm not a princess this ain't a fairytale.. ( haha those are actual Taylor Swift lyrics, and NO I do not know them, I had to look them up on and NO I would not say " This ain't a fairytale" I would say this isn't a fairy tale. My grammar might not be up to par ,but please, do not insult me! ( yes, I know, I do tend to use a lot of comma's. I will review the rules before school starts!)..sure.

Well maybe I am waiting for my knight in shining armor. But it sounds so cliche. I just like to think that, if I am called to get married, a good and proper husband will be provided. ( Not in the creepy arranged marriage kind of way!) I am sure the God has it all worked out.He's pretty good at that kind of thing. Just think, my mom and dad have been happily married for 22.. maybe 23 ( i don't know!) years. They argue sometimes, they fight, but I can see that they love each other so very much. They try so hard for one another. I know it sounds weird talking about your own parents in that way. Most kids don't even have parents that are together, let alone involved. Amazingly enough, I have both. I know not to worry about Mr. Right. I want something like my mom and dad have. It's hard work, I can see that, but I can also see that it's so worth it. He'll be just like my Dad ( well not just like my dad... that would be weird). He'll treat me like a princess... and I will treat him like a prince. It goes both ways. :D ( Ok, I will stop with all the sap, it sounds like I am getting a little "preachy" as my dad says)

Its been fun. I guess love was the topic of this blog. Good name, I'll use it!

Well sighning off for tonight

God Bless all you Princess' waiting for those Knights ( and likewise of course!!)



ps. Watch the Gweneth Paltrow version! ITS SO GOOD! :D my heart is giddy!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Starting School!

Wato Fello Bloggers, You know sometimes I find it very aggravating how friends never seem to support you. Fine, maybe I expand the truth here and there... but still, they must be supportive. This one particular friend I might be talking about, insists that I am a liar on my blog. "Oh my gosh Miss Hazel Eyes," she says" I am going to write a really mean comment on your wall" She keeps saying OMG and Miss Hazel Eyes" and whatever. How rude. I mean really, is that necessary, exposing my faults to the blogging world? Well maybe she is right. Maybe I did right that story another time. (The "Slowly ever so slowly" one) and maybe I am actually alright at English class. But really, shouldn't she just like my writing because its ... amusing.. silly.. I don't know. An escape from the horrors of daily life? Maybe she is an alright friend. We do have fun, and tomorrow, when I go to her house, she plans to give me a Watermelon Flavoured Ring Pop. Fine. The Ring Pop makes up for it. Speaking of English class, and writing, I must tell you all about a certain English teacher I once had. Oh the horrors. I can still smell the sulfur in my nostrils whenever I think about her. I had Ms. English Teacher for two year. (both times she was my home room teacher) This women ( in the short time that she was at my school) managed to kick out a good friend ( she did deserve it.. but still.. she was key in the outness of that kicking), accuse me of being a liar, and a blasphemer, (I am not a blasphemer.. and I do lie.. but not with reference to what she was talking about) AND lastly for: "ruining her good name". What good name say I. Oh and she also is the reason I started this blog. In the two years I had her we managed to complete that following list of amusements.

1. Watch the six version of Pride and Prejudice ( twice I might add.. I think she had a fetish with Colin Firth)

2.Watch the 2 hour version of P&P ( we had to compare it to the six hour one!)

3. Watch Jane Eyre

4. Watch To Kill a Mockingbird

5. Watch this movie about a mouse and a crazy man... AH Flowers for Algernon.. or something like that.

6. Watch a number of different movies for a movie study we did.

7. Watch.. wait. i think you get the picture.

You see we did nothing. Ruined my Grade 10 and 11 education. Except now I can quote Pride and Prejudice ( the six hour movie. ) front to back.. or rather.. first disc to last.

She was a little dramatic, but I mustn't be to cruel. We did have some good laughs and become good friends ( until I got on her bad side then.. ooodearyme. oh no)

To disclose the information about Good Friend and the out kicking of her would be cause for another blog. Maybe I will save it for later! (After I get the permission to tell the story.. who knows who will read this!)But do not fret dearest reader, there is a happy ending to this unjust tragedy. Wait for it. I can hardly contain my excitement! My junior high English Teacher, (We will call her Mrs. Nice English Teacher for clarity) is going to be my new English teacher. Amazing piece of work she is! ( And you will be happy to find out that Mr. Science Teacher has been replaced as well!) I am now trying to pump myself up for the upcoming school year. This blog seems to be helping me! Finally my dead brain will be resurrected with the scourge of Mrs. Nice English Teachers grammar book. Ahh the glory of learning.

Alas, I must sighn off now, I have a cramp in my forearm which is threatning to turn into a CharlieHorse..but in my arm.

Well pip-pip.

love 4th (aka:MissHazelEyes)

ps. Who can't have a fetish with Colin Firth.. I mean, just a little one?

Monday, August 31, 2009

Flushed Away

Poor,poor roddy, flushed down his own poddy, Rita can't you find it in your heart ( baratone) to help him.

This scene from the movie "Flushed Away" never ceases to amuse me. I love it! Its actually not a very funny movie.. but at the same time... its so funny! haha watch it fellow bloggers.

Random Rants of the Early Morning

I awoke this morning, as i do every morning, extremely groggy. Last night I daydreamed or rather night dreamed about different stories I was going to write about for this blog. Maybe I should make this a blog that follows my fairly exciting life through my alleged fairly exciting life therefore opening up my life for the public to read about. Yet, I highly doubt I am going to get any hits. This morning my blog had been viewed five times. Four by me, and the last by a friend I sent the link to. No comments either. I was so close to commenting on my own blog. My mind quickly told me not to do so and to give comments time. I wonder what people would say.. I can see it now..: " Wow you have a sheltered life, your such a loser" HA just because I adore Anne of Green Gables does not mean I am a loser! And NO I am not home schooled, I do not wear floral print skirts...I find myself very normal. I long for a nose ring.. cause it would look cool. But sadly I am not allowed so I opted for a double piercing instead. I work at a Starbucks, which I love.. I am amazing at making Cappuccinos. Its true, my foam is delectable. And lastly.. if a comment like that was written on my wall or comment box or whatever its called I would say: Brother?... did you write that on my wall?? For yes, My brother would definitely say something like that. Now if a comment like: I love your blog its so cute and funny: was to be written, I would know my mother had found me. You see I don't know what to expect of blogging. I have never done it before. I don't even know why I am doing it... well yes I do.. to make myself write more, but I never even write notes on Facebook. Oh dear.. my tummy is grumbling. Its 11:18 in the morning, and I woke up ten minutes ago.. had an urge to blog and did so. Maybe this blog could be used to tell stories. Yes, I am always composing stories in my head. Here goes: The darkness draped across the passage, threatening to engulf the candle flame. Slowly,ever so slowly, I crept through the winding staircase, up to the tower. My footsteps echoed on the stone. I was ready. You see I like writing snippets, and now since I have done that, I already have the entire story plotted out in my head, I just don't want to take the time to write it down. She is running away from her castle she has a baby with her, its her job to protect the baby, she meets a man who helps and takes care of her, she loves the man... ok its getting typical but hey, its a story. So as I was lying in bed last night, I decided I was goint to write about anxiety. Yes I know, but for some reason, I am an anxious person. But I have located the source and need to get whatever I need to get done , done! You see a couple months ago, I collected money for a charity then did this hike thing and yea. So I am slowly collected the money people pledged me, but I have to get it into the orginization so people can get thier tax reciepts. And yes, that is the cause of my anxiety. Hey, its a big deal to me!!

Maybe I should have more structure to my writing.

Another random comment. I can hear my siblings in the next room playing and laughing. My little one likes to dance, and she listens to this song called Ave Maria by David Bisbal ( Its not anything religious... hes just like Hey mary will you go out with me..) yea.. anyways She does this shimmy dance when listening to it!! hehe she does standing on a chair so the entire family can see.. heres the song!! Its very funny when she does it! :D

Anyhooters I must go but comment if you read this!!! I want to know what people think of my random rants.. ahh good title Random Rants of the Early Morning..

sighing off

have a good day fellow bloggers



Sunday, August 30, 2009

The New World of Blogging

Oh dear, I always go on in such a deplorable ( I hope that's the right use of the word ) manner. I feel like Anne as she stepped off the platform ready to greet Mathew and start her new life at Green Gables. Silly me, I do try to be so serious and funny but it never seems to work. I know this blog is going to be deplorable in manner and ... yes. Anne with an E is a very dramatic and silly character. We have much in common. I have always wanted to become and actress and perform on the stage with people such as Kristen Chenoweth and B.D Wong (incidentally they were both in Your A good man Charlie Brown: I highly recommend watching Cheno's performance of the piece "My New Philosophy)But I know deep down in the abyss of my soul that this dream will never solidify. How Anne wanted that auburn hair yet, when she reached for it, her plans turned green. Quite literally :her hair was quite nasty for a spell. But unlike Anne I am not an orphan, quite the opposite actually. I am the fourth in line for the throne. (whatever that may be) Under me there are six little imps, though I am told to call them siblings. As I read and re-read this little snippet of random thoughts, it just occoured to me that thousands of people may be reading what I have to say! Maybe I am giving myself to much credit. I was never very good at English in school.Speaking of school ( or rather typing about it), its starting soon, ahh yippy... not that I dont mind the place, I am sometimes known for enjoying it. Its the fact that I am going to get up at seven thirty every single morning. It makes my heart quiver. And no, its not the kind of quiver of heart one gets when a certain captain of the basketball team walks by, its the kind you get when Mr. Science Teacher walks by and smiles. You want to vomit. The man barely has any teeth,sports a bald head, and wears awful mismatched ties. And hes not the kind of funny quirky science teacher. Hes the kind that gets angry and rips doors off their hinges. He told my brother (who was sitting by the heater) to have a good time getting ready for hell. YES I KNOW!! He used the H. E. Double hockey sticks word. For heavens sakes what is this world coming to!!So yes, I hope I clearly illustrated the type of quiver my heart partakes in when I think about starting school. Good part is I got a new laptop ( yes i know!) So now that I am banished to my room for having swine flu ( not really , just super sick) I am starting my own personal blog on my own personal laptop.I hope I get more ideas because I just re-read my rant it isn't very good. I dont think I will get the writing version of the Tony Award but its sort of fun to rant! Well tut-tut. I am signing off now. Before I leave I must confess that I lied. Mr.Science Teacher does have all his teeth intact... it just looks as if he doesn't cause hes so evil.
(dont mind the bad grammar spelling etc,it will get better when school starts!! )

